Cost of Trauma Disorder Treatment for Teens and Adolescents in Dallas, Texas

Trauma Disorder Treatment for Teens at BasePoint Academy

Choosing the right teen trauma treatment is crucial to helping your adolescent overcome behavioral and emotional teenage challenges.  Comprehensive mental health treatment programs in Texas can help you and your family find peace and sustainable recovery within mental health care.

BasePoint Academy’s experts in Dallas, Arlington, Forney, and McKinney, Texas, are conveniently located to give your teen or adolescent, personalized treatment for improving their mental health.

Depression Treatment Admissions and Intake

Our complimentary assessment with a licensed clinician will provide you with a recommendation for the appropriate level of care for your teen struggling with mental health. We can also check your insurance coverage levels.

Call us today to schedule a complimentary same-day assessment at (972) 357-1749 or complete our inquiry form.

Depression Admissions form

What is Trauma Disorder in Teens?

Trauma disorder is an umbrella term that describes several trauma-related mental health disorders, the most well-known of which is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After a person experiences a highly stressful event they may develop a mental health disorder that’s related to the experience. 

Traumatic events can be something a person has experienced or something they witnessed. These can include abuse, neglect, rape, accidents, or the loss of a loved one. For example, when a child sees their parents being treated violently, it can be a traumatic experience. For some people, even the birth of a sibling can be enough of a stressor to lead to a trauma disorder.

Different Types of Trauma

There are several ways in which a person can experience a traumatic event. The following is a list of some of the more common ways, but it is not an exhaustive list.

Emotional or Psychological Trauma

Emotional or Psychological Trauma

When an event shatters your sense of security and makes you feel helpless, it can result from emotional and psychological trauma. These traumatic experiences can involve a threat to your life or safety, but they can also be the result of a situation that makes you feel isolated or overwhelmed. 

Childhood Trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences - ACEs):

Childhood Trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences – ACEs):

Childhood trauma is experiences that happen before an individual’s teen years and are sometimes called adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). These can be the result of child abuse, neglect, rape, or other experiences that the child interprets to be traumatic, such as the loss of a loved one.

Complex Trauma

Complex Trauma

Complex trauma describes exposure to multiple traumatic events and the long-term effects the exposure has. Events are severe and pervasive, such as abuse or profound neglect. Some people do not recognize the effect of the trauma until much later but it’s important to know that while recovery may not seem possible, people can and do recover. 

Developmental Trauma

Developmental Trauma

Developmental trauma is associated with early experiences of neglect and abuse and underscores the critical nature of development and the influence that trauma has on children and adolescents. The effect can be devastating and require a different framework of treatment than when working with trauma experienced in later teens or as an adult.

Cultural or Historical Trauma

Cultural or Historical Trauma

Data show that trauma is relational and because humans are social, happens in multiple ways, including historical and cultural trauma that was evident in clinical observation of holocaust survivors and their descendants. There are lasting impacts of groups of people surviving a war or having been forced into slavery. Your adolescent may experience the result of historical trauma.

Teenage Onset Depression (Early-Onset Depression)

Medical Trauma

This is the experience of traumatic stress that results from interactions with the medical system. It is a set of responses to medical procedures and frightening experiences, such as a new diagnosis, procedure, or dealing with professionals in the healthcare setting. The symptoms vary greatly and are subjective, including intrusive thoughts or memories and avoidance of medical procedures or settings.

Teen boy outdoors with his head down and hands covering his face

Different Types of Treatment Programs for Teen Trauma

The cost for teen trauma treatment depends on the type of program chosen for your adolescent. There are a variety of teenage challenges that affect the adolescent therapy needed to address your teenager’s mental health condition. At BasePoint Academy, your teenager has access to highly structured outpatient programs that offer treatment in the least restrictive environment possible.

Contact BasePoint Academy Today

Contact us today to schedule a free confidential assessment for your teen with a licensed clinician.

You can also get in touch to talk with our mental health experts about treatment needs, care options and your insurance coverage levels.

Call: (972) 357-1749Check Your Insurance

BasePoint Academy Accepts health Insurance

We accept most major health insurance providers in Texas and can check your treatment coverage levels on your behalf

7:00 am to 7:00 pm
7 Days a week


Base Point Academy has several treatment facilities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, including in Arlington, Forney, and McKinney, Texas. Each of these luxury facilities offers the same level of care from licensed mental health professionals whose focus is providing teenagers with the tools and resources they need to heal and support sustainable recovery from depression and other mental health conditions.

  • Arlington, Texas: 3900 Arlington Highlands Blvd, Suite 237, Arlington, TX 76018
  • Forney, Texas: 713 W Broad St, Suite 200, Forney, TX 75126
  • Frisco, Texas: 8275 Judges Way, Suite 100I, Frisco, TX 75036
  • McKinney, Texas: 4733 Medical Center Drive, McKinney, TX 75069
BasePoint Academy Dallas Facility Locations Map
How to Find a Depression Treatment Center for Teens Near Me

How to Find a Trauma Treatment Center for Teens Near Me

BasePoint Academy has multiple facilities at which board-certified mental health professionals offer evidence-based and holistic approaches to mental health and substance abuse disorders. Treatment at all facilities is identical. Consider seeking trauma-informed mental health care for your teenager at one of the following locations.



If your teenager is struggling with the results of trauma, using the services of the right center can offer life-changing results for your family and your adolescent. Consider these steps on how to find a trauma treatment center for teenagers and adolescents near me.


  • Start your search and your favorite web browser using keywords such as “trauma treatment center for teens near me” or “teenage trauma treatment programs in [city name]”. Location names can be Forney, Arlington, McKinney, Lower Greenville, Kessler Park, or Lake Highlands. Add “Texas” at the end of the search query to help find a local treatment center that specializes in adolescent mental health.
  • Look for centers that offer evidence-based and holistic approaches to mental health treatment. Check the accreditation of the center as accredited centers are rigorously evaluated based on national standards by a third party.
  • Consider the location of the treatment center. Those that are closer to your home allow you to access care more easily and involve family members and treatment.
  • Check out the online reviews by parents and teenagers who have used the services. This gives you more information about the quality of care and the staff experience.
  • Contact the treatment center for a tour to learn more about the programs and services your teenager can engage in and the insurance options they offer. At the time of the tour, your teen may also have access to a complimentary evaluation.

How Much Does Trauma Treatment for Teens Cost?

One common question that parents have is how much does teen rehab cost? Teen trauma treatment costs vary depending on multiple factors, including the intensity of therapy recommended for your teenager, your insurance coverage, deductible, and copay. Rates for adolescent trauma counseling are typically from $450 to $800 per day.

Expenses for counseling for traumatized teens include your out-of-pocket costs as determined by your insurance policy benefits and limitations. Parents also ask what does a teen transport to a treatment cost. You can get an estimate of those costs by calling BasePoint Academy at (972) 357-1749. The admission specialist will check your insurance coverage and determine if prior authorization is required before your teenager can begin treatment.

Mom consoles her daughter while they sit outdoors in a park

How Much Does Partial Hospitalization Program for Trauma Cost?

The cost for teen trauma treatment in a partial hospitalization program is not the same from teenager to teenager. Your adolescent’s costs will depend on the customized treatment program developed by the board-certified mental health professionals at BasePoint Academy as well as your insurance benefits and limitations. Typically, private teen rehab facilities cost more than public facilities.

Call BasePoint Academy today at (972) 357-1749 or contact us online to learn more about our success rate and the support you and your family receive. The admission specialist can check your insurance policy and discuss the benefits and limitations with you. They will answer your questions and can give you an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs.

How Much Does Intensive Outpatient Program for Trauma Cost?

The cost for teen trauma treatment in an intensive outpatient program varies depending on the intensity of the treatment program recommended by the board-certified mental health professionals at BasePoint Academy. Higher-intensity programs are slightly more expensive.  Treatment results are evaluated throughout the program and the intensity of therapy can be modified as your teen progresses.

Teen trauma therapy cost is typically from $450 to $800 per day. However, this cost is influenced by your insurance policy benefits and copay. You can get an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs by calling BasePoint Academy at (972) 357-1749. The admission specialist will check your insurance and advise you if documentation is required before therapy can begin.

How Much Does Therapy and Counseling for Teen Trauma Treatment Cost?

Teen trauma therapy costs include counseling for adolescent development and offering teen mental health resources, including teenage support groups and relapse prevention programs. The cost of these programs varies depending on the customized plan developed for your teenager but typically ranges from $450 to $800 per day. 

Other factors that influence the cost include your insurance deductible and copay, and whether you can obtain financial assistance. Your out-of-pocket costs are typically determined by your insurance policy. While all health insurance policies mandate coverage for mental health conditions, not all policies are the same.

Does Insurance Cover Trauma Disorder Treatment for Teenagers?

Yes, insurance does cover trauma disorder treatment for teenagers who are listed as beneficiaries on your policy. In 2010, the Affordable Care Act mandated that all health insurance policies offer coverage for essential services, including mental health conditions and substance use disorders. However, the benefits and limitations are different for each policy.

Some insurance policies limit the number of sessions your teenager can have per incident, per year, or have established lifetime limitations. You can easily determine your benefits and limits on the policy to help estimate your out-of-pocket costs by calling BasePoint Academy at (972) 357-1749. The admission specialist can determine if documentation is required and can schedule a complimentary evaluation.

Which Health Insurance Providers Cover Trauma Disorder Treatment for Teenagers?

There are a variety of major health insurance companies that provide for teen trauma treatment costs. These companies include Cigna, Magellan, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, and Optum. Teen mental health care costs are typically covered by rehab insurance. However, each plan is different and your policy may have limits on the benefits for your teenager.

Your out-of-pocket costs will include insurance copay for teen trauma treatment after you meet your policy deductible. Trauma treatment insurance coverage helps you pay for the necessary treatment to support adolescent mental health issues and build teenage resilience in your young adults.

How Much Does Teen Trauma Treatment Cost With Insurance?

The cost of teen trauma treatment when your teenager is covered by insurance varies based on multiple factors. The first factor is the overall cost of the treatment program, which can typically range from $450 to $800 per day. Next, you must meet your insurance deductible before the policy begins to pay benefits.

These initial out-of-pocket costs vary depending on the deductible on your insurance policy. After meeting your deductible, your insurance policy has a copay for all treatment, which you are responsible to pay. When you call BasePoint Academy admissions specialists, they can estimate your out-of-pocket costs and determine if documentation is required before your teenager can begin treatment.

How Much Does Teen Trauma Treatment Cost Without Insurance?

The cost for teen trauma treatment without insurance also varies based on multiple factors. While you may believe that you are responsible for the typical cost range from $450 to $800 per day, there are several options that can help you reduce the cost. Some treatment centers offer sliding scale fees for adolescent trauma counseling. 

Centers may also offer teen trauma treatment payment plans so you do not have to pay everything up front. Adolescent trauma therapy expenses can also be partially covered by trauma treatment grants for adolescents from community-based or faith-based organizations. Your teenager may qualify for federal healthcare funding, and you may also consider crowdsourcing, family, and friends to help cover expenses.

mom hugs her child as they struggle with teen anxiety

Trauma Testing and Assessment for Teen Boys and Girls

BasePoint Academy offers a free trauma assessment for teens who have experienced trauma and want help to develop a plan that promotes and supports sustainable recovery. It is crucial that trauma testing and assessments are undertaken by board-certified medical professionals who are adolescent-focused. 

Adolescent development and psychology are far different than adults or childhood psychology. While there are short online tests for teenage boys and girls to assess trauma disorders, these are far less accurate than those administered and evaluated by licensed professionals. If your teenager has a trauma disorder, it is crucial they receive the best possible mental health care to reduce long-term effects that can be devastating.

Contact BasePoint Academy Today

Contact us today to schedule a free confidential assessment for your teen with a licensed clinician.

You can also get in touch to talk with our mental health experts about treatment needs, care options and your insurance coverage levels.

Call: (972) 357-1749Check Your Insurance



Symptoms and Signs of Trauma in Adolescents

When a human body experiences or anticipates a dangerous situation, certain chemicals and hormones are released that are meant to protect the vital function of the person and keep them out of harm’s way. However, chronic stress that is not the result of immediate danger can lead to trauma responses. 

For example, childhood abuse is a common cause of trauma, even when teenagers come from healthy homes since the trauma can be experienced outside the home. Ongoing political and world events can lead to signs of trauma in adolescents whose brains are not fully formed to process the information appropriately. 

Traumatic experiences may happen more often than you think. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), more than two-thirds of children questioned reported having experienced at least one traumatic event by the time they were 16. These traumatic events included national disasters, witnessing or experiencing domestic, community, or school violence, commercial sexual exploitation, war experiences, neglect, and serious accidents or life-threatening illnesses. The following are signs and symptoms that your teenager may have been traumatized.

  • General frustration
  • Regressed behavior
  • Loss of ability
  • Expressing stunned, shocked, or frightened feelings
  • Separation symptoms from people they love or trust
  • Reduced confidence
  • Changes in thinking and learning, reduce school performance
  • Speech repetitions
  • Nightmares
  • Flashbacks
  • Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
  • Self-harm behaviors
  • Social withdrawal
  • Exaggerated startle reflex
  • Loss of interest in friends, school, Hobbies, and other activities they once enjoyed

What is the Trauma Treatment Program Admissions Process?

The admission process into a teen trauma treatment center varies depending on the center. Admissions is designed to ensure that your teenager receives the best possible care and they have a customized treatment plan based on a medical assessment and psychological evaluation. Although treatment centers vary, here’s a general overview of what you might expect.

  • Initial Contact: The admission process begins with your initial phone call, during which the admission specialists at BasePoint Academy can verify your insurance coverage and offer a complimentary evaluation.

  • Assessment and Evaluation: If your teenager meets the criteria for treatment at BasePoint Academy, they undergo a more thorough medical assessment and psychological evaluation on which the board-certified medical professionals at BasePoint Academy will develop a customized treatment plan.

  • Admissions Coordination: When insurance has been verified and a customized plan has been developed, BasePoint Academy will help coordinate admission into one of the highly structured outpatient programs. Your adolescent will learn what they can bring and what they should not bring to the program and you and your family will have an orientation to the facility and an introduction to the program.

  • Active Participation and Progress Monitoring: Once admitted into the program, it is expected that your teenager actively participates in treatment. During treatment, their progress will be monitored and adjustments will be made based on their results.

Teen Trauma Treatment Payment Plans at BasePoint Academy

At BasePoint Academy, we know that paying for teen trauma therapy and counseling can be challenging. That’s why we accept most insurance plans to help cover the costs. For families without insurance or when coverage isn’t enough, we may also arrange flexible payment plans. Our goal is to make sure your teen receives the essential care they need without added financial stress.

To explore your payment options, give us a call. Our team is here to listen and find the best solution for your family. Additionally, BasePoint Academy offers free trauma assessments for teens as part of our treatment admissions process. This ensures every teen gets a proper diagnosis and the support they need to heal and thrive.

Statistics on Trauma in Teen Boys and Girls in Texas

According to SAMHSA:

  • At least 1 of every 7 children experienced abuse and/or neglect in the past year. Unfortunately, this is likely an underestimate.
  • In 2019, 1,840 children died from abuse and/or neglect.
  • Every day, more than 1,000 adolescents are treated in an emergency room for an assault-related injury.
  • In 2019, bullying was prevalent on school property as roughly 1 in every 5 high school students reported bullying, which is likely lower than the number actually being bullied.
  • In the 12 months before being surveyed, 8% of high school students asked had been in physical fights on school property.
  • Each day, violence-related injuries send 1,300 to the emergency room and kill 14 youths.

Effectively Treat Teen Mental Health With BasePoint Academy

We can help your teen and your family address and overcome mental health concerns with expert care and a safe environment. Call today to discover the treatment for long-term healing.