Cost of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Teens in Dallas, Texas

BasePoint has three convenient locations in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex (McKinney, Arlington, and Forney). We specialize in providing cost-effective mental health day treatment to teens and adolescents with varying needs. We’re equipped with experienced professionals committed to helping young individuals develop healthier coping strategies and enhance their emotional and mental wellness.

We understand the financial concerns associated with mental health treatment, so we accept many insurance providers at BasePoint, which makes our services financially accessible. By accepting a wide range of insurance plans, we ensure that high-quality mental health care is available to those who need it. If you’re seeking cognitive therapy for your teen in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, consider BasePoint as a supportive and flexible option.

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Teenagers?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for teenagers is a structured, evidence-based form of psychotherapy that helps young individuals understand and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. It focuses on identifying distorted thinking, developing problem-solving skills, and learning to manage emotions effectively.

CBT therapy for teens involves therapists working collaboratively with your child to set goals, practice new skills, and apply them in real-life situations. Therapeutic techniques may include journaling, role-playing, and relaxation exercises. This supportive therapy equips teenagers with practical tools to improve their mental health, enhance self-esteem, and foster better relationships with peers and family members. Through regular sessions, teens can develop resilience and a more positive outlook.

Teenage Mental Health Assessment & Admissions

Our complimentary assessment with a licensed clinician will provide you with a recommendation for the appropriate level of care for your teen struggling with mental health. We can also check your insurance coverage levels.

Call us today to schedule a complimentary same-day assessment at (972) 357-1749 or complete our inquiry form.

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Teen Mental Health Admissions form

Contact BasePoint Academy Today

Contact us today to schedule a free confidential assessment for your teen with a licensed clinician.

You can also get in touch to talk with our mental health experts about treatment needs, care options and your insurance coverage levels.

Call: (972) 357-1749Check Your Insurance

What is a Teen and Adolescent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Treatment Program?

A teen and adolescent cognitive behavioral therapy and treatment program helps teenagers manage and overcome mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and stress. This structured, evidence-based psychological intervention focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors so your teen can learn practical coping skills for difficult emotions and situations, promoting healthier thinking and behavior.

Programs include a range of techniques, such as journaling, role-playing, and relaxation exercises. Therapists work closely with your teen to set goals and practice new skills in a supportive environment. The ultimate goal is to equip your child with tools to improve their mental well-being, boost self-esteem, provide emotional support, and enhance their relationships with peers and family. Contact us today to learn more about the cognitive behavioral therapy and treatment programs at BasePoint Academy. We can give your teen a free assessment to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

Mental Health and CBT Statistics for Adolescents in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas (TX)

In Texas, over 1.2 million children and adolescents report experiencing mental, emotional, behavioral, or developmental issues. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) emerges as a leading treatment option for childhood and adolescent mental health conditions, provided familial, cultural, and compatibility factors are appropriately considered.

Research indicates that combining CBT with medication yields better outcomes for anxiety disorders in youth, with 80.7% showing improvement compared to those receiving CBT or medication alone. CBT also proves beneficial for subclinical depression and ADHD in teens. Furthermore, family involvement in CBT demonstrates significant improvement in anxiety treatment. Lastly, CBT remains the primary treatment for PTSD in children and adolescents, offering both short-term and long-term benefits. Research findings from a 2011 review indicate sustained improvements over 18 months and four years, establishing CBT as an effective intervention for acute and chronic PTSD in young individuals affected by various traumatic events.

BasePoint Academy Accepts health Insurance

We accept most major health insurance providers in Texas and can check your treatment coverage levels on your behalf.

7:00 am to 7:00 pm
7 Days a week

Teen Treatment Centers in Dallas, Texas That Offer Payment Plans for CBT

If you’re seeking teen treatment centers in Dallas, Texas, that offer payment plans for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), contact us today. Our intensive outpatient and Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP) ensure effective psychiatric treatment and competitive pricing that is not a barrier to your child receiving the necessary support.

BasePoint Academy Dallas Facility Locations Map
Teen Treatment Center in Arlington, Texas

Teen Treatment Center in Arlington, Texas

Teen Treatment Center in Forney, Texas

Teen Treatment Center in Forney, Texas

Teen Treatment Center in McKinney, Texas

Teen Treatment Center in McKinney, Texas

Contact BasePoint Academy Today

Contact us today to schedule a free confidential assessment for your teen with a licensed clinician.

You can also get in touch to talk with our mental health experts about treatment needs, care options and your insurance coverage levels.

Call: (972) 357-1749Check Your Insurance

What is the Average Out of Pocket Cost for CBT Day Treatment Programs in the State of Texas

The average cost of CBT therapy ranges from $60 to $200 per session. It’s essential to keep in mind that this is a mere estimate based on collective data across multiple resources, and actual costs will fluctuate significantly. Influencing factors include the duration of the treatment program, insurance, the mental health professional’s qualifications, and more.

For an accurate representation of cognitive behavioral therapy costs related to your child’s specific needs, call (972) 357-1749. We can verify insurance coverage, discuss budget-friendly payment plans, and answer any questions regarding CBT day treatment programs and costs in Texas.

How Much Does Teen and Adolescent CBT Cost Without Health Insurance?

You’re not alone in wondering, “How much is therapy in Texas without insurance?” According to U.S. Census data, over 16% of Texans are uninsured, making mental health care and its affordability a significant concern. Teen CBT costs will vary, averaging $60 to $200 per session. Fortunately, low-cost options and financial assistance are available.

To discuss these economical alternatives today, call us today. The representatives at BasePoint are ready to assist you in facilitating reasonable costs for teen and adolescent mental health care. We pride ourselves on value-driven, accessible, and effective treatment.

Contact BasePoint Academy Today

Contact us today to schedule a free confidential assessment for your teen with a licensed clinician.

You can also get in touch to talk with our mental health experts about treatment needs, care options and your insurance coverage levels.

Call: (972) 357-1749Check Your Insurance

Common Disorders Treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a versatile, practical treatment approach for many adolescent mental health issues. While the following provides examples, CBT can address various disorders beyond those mentioned here. This treatment modality helps adolescents develop healthier coping mechanisms and improve overall well-being. Below are some common disorders treated with CBT for adolescents, along with average costs: 

  • Insomnia: CBT for insomnia focuses on changing behaviors and thoughts contributing to sleep difficulties. Techniques for insomnia in school-aged children and adolescents encompass various strategies, including adjusting bedtime schedules (such as sleep restriction), implementing stimulus control, challenging negative thoughts, providing psychoeducation, and teaching relaxation techniques. Sessions can cost between $60 and $200, depending upon multiple factors.
  • Depression: CBT for depression helps teens challenge negative beliefs and develop coping strategies. Many studies substantiate CBT’s benefits in adolescent depression. Costs typically range from $60 to $200 per session.
  • Social Anxiety: CBT for social anxiety targets avoidance behaviors and negative self-beliefs, with session costs similar to those for depression.
  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder): CBT for OCD involves exposure and response prevention techniques to reduce compulsive behaviors. Costs range from $60 to $200 per session.
  • ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): CBT can effectively alleviate symptoms of ADHD and focuses on improving organizational skills and impulse control. Session costs range from $60 to $200 or more.
  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder): Studies have demonstrated promising results for the utilization of CBT in trauma recovery, including adolescents with complex PTSD. Costs range from $60 to $200 plus per session.
  • Bipolar Disorder: CBT for bipolar disorder aims to manage mood swings and reduce the impact of depressive and manic episodes. Costs range from $60 to $200+ per session.

The above are merely average costs based on collective data across multiple resources. For a more accurate estimate of teen CBT costs related to your child’s specific needs, schedule a same-day free assessment.

young black man walks through the streets smiling

How Much Does Teen and Adolescent CBT Counseling Cost Without Health Insurance?

The cost of teen and adolescent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) counseling without health insurance can vary widely, typically ranging from $60 to $200 or more per session. This variation depends on factors such as the therapist’s experience and treatment location. A standard weekly session could result in out-of-pocket expenses of $400 to $1,000 per month without health insurance.

While the cost may seem high, investing in your teen’s mental health can yield significant long-term benefits. Effective and supportive therapy can help your child develop essential coping skills, provide emotional support, and enhance their overall quality of life. If affordability is a concern, consider exploring sliding scale fees, community mental health centers, or online therapy options, which can offer more wallet-friendly alternatives. You can also contact us to discuss our pricing options.

How Much Does Teen and Adolescent CBT Psychiatry Cost Without Health Insurance?

Teen CBT psychiatry costs without health insurance typically average from $150 to $400 per session. Factors influencing this cost include the psychiatrist’s qualifications, the practice’s location, and the treatment duration. This can amount to $600 to $1,600 per month for ongoing weekly sessions.

While these expenses might seem substantial, investing in your teen’s mental health can lead to significant long-term benefits and mental wellness. It’s advised to discuss treatment providers’ fee structures and budget-conscious alternatives before committing. Transparency and communication ensure your child’s access to adequate, often invaluable, mental health treatment.

What Factors Influence the Cost of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Teens in Dallas?

What Factors Influence the Cost of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Teens in Dallas?

Several factors influence the cost of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for your teen in Dallas, Texas. These factors can help you navigate the teen CBT costs, ensuring your child receives the necessary support without undue financial strain. Discussing payment options with potential providers to find affordable rates is always a good idea.

The following factors we’ve outlined influence teen CBT costs, helping you make informed decisions that balance quality care with cost-conscious considerations.

  • Type of Therapy: The specific type of CBT your teen needs can affect the cost. For example, individual sessions are typically more expensive than group therapy, and specialized CBT for certain conditions might cost more due to the expertise required.
  • Therapist’s Qualifications and Experience: Therapists with advanced degrees, specialized training, and extensive experience, such as psychiatrists, often charge higher fees. A seasoned therapist may offer a deeper expertise, which can be particularly beneficial for complex cases.
  • Therapist’s Reputation and Demand: Highly regarded therapists with solid reputations and high demand in Dallas may have higher rates. Their proven track record of success and positive outcomes can justify the increased cost.
  • Location: Teen CBT costs can vary significantly depending on the area within Dallas. Therapists in upscale neighborhoods or central business districts may charge more than those in suburban or less affluent areas.
  • Length and Frequency of Sessions: Longer sessions or a higher frequency of sessions will naturally increase the overall cost. Weekly 60-minute sessions will be more expensive than bi-weekly 45-minute sessions.
  • Insurance Coverage: Whether or not you have insurance coverage for mental health services will significantly impact your out-of-pocket expenses. Some insurance plans cover some or all the costs, considerably reducing your pay.
  • Out-of-Pocket vs. Insurance Coverage: If you don’t have insurance or choose a therapist outside your insurance network, you will need to cover the costs entirely out of pocket. Understanding and verifying your insurance benefits can help you maximize coverage and minimize expenses.
  • Sliding Scale or Financial Assistance: Some therapists offer sliding scale fees based on your financial situation, making therapy more financially accessible. Additionally, community programs or nonprofits in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex may provide financial assistance for mental health services.

How Much Does a CBT Session Cost?

The cost of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) session typically ranges from $60 to $200+, depending on the factors outlined above, and then some. While these costs can add up, many therapists offer sliding scale fees based on income, rendering therapy more cost-efficient and accessible.

Additionally, if you have health insurance, it may cover a portion of the costs, significantly reducing your out-of-pocket expenses. Call (972) 357-1749 to understand teen treatment costs and the available pricing options with BasePoint to find a solution that fits your budget.

Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Worth the Money?

While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) seems like a significant investment, it can greatly enhance your child’s quality of life, offering benefits that extend long after the sessions conclude. CBT is an evidence-based treatment that is highly effective for a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Investing in CBT can yield long-term benefits, such as better coping strategies, improved relationships, and enhanced problem-solving skills. These positive changes can persist long after therapy has ended, providing lasting value. While the cost of treatment can be a concern, the potential for meaningful, enduring improvements in mental health often makes CBT a worthwhile expense.

CBT Program Costs in Dallas, Texas by Disorder Type

Navigating cognitive behavioral therapy costs in Dallas means understanding the potential expenses associated with disorder types. Below, we’ll briefly explore estimated CBT program costs for various disorders. Call (972) 357-1749 for a more accurate cost estimate tailored to your child’s needs and answers to the common question: How much is therapy in Texas?

How To Pay for Therapy and CBT Therapy for My Child in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

When considering any kind of therapy, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for your child in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, there are various payment options available to help make treatment financially accessible. By exploring these options, you can find a budget-friendly solution, ensuring your child receives the necessary mental health support. Here are some ways to pay for therapy:

  • Out-of-Pocket Payment: You can pay for therapy directly out of pocket, covering the cost of sessions without involving insurance or assistance programs.
  • Sliding Scale Fees: Many therapists offer sliding scale fees based on income, making therapy more affordable for families with financial constraints.
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): If you have access to an EAP through your or your spouse’s employer, you may be eligible for free or discounted therapy sessions for your child.
  • Government Assistance Programs: Explore government assistance programs, such as Medicaid or CHIP, that may provide financial support for mental health services for children.
  • Nonprofit Organizations and Community Centers: Some nonprofit organizations and community centers offer low-cost or free therapy services for children and families in need.
  • Payment Plans: Some therapists offer payment plans that allow you to spread out the cost of treatment over time, making it more manageable for your budget. Call BasePoint Academy at (972) 357-1749 to discuss our payment plans today.
  • Health Insurance Coverage: If you have health insurance, verify your insurance policy to see if it covers teen CBT costs. Many insurance plans offer coverage for mental health services.
Mental Health Disorder and CBT Stats and Info for Teens and Adolescents in Dallas

Mental Health Disorder and CBT Stats and Info for Teens and Adolescents in Dallas

  • Out of the over 7 million Texans aged 17 and below, over 1.2 million disclose experiencing a mental, emotional, behavioral, or developmental issue.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy can serve as an efficient first line of treatment for numerous childhood and adolescent mental health conditions as long as familial, cultural, and compatibility factors are taken into account appropriately.
  • Research into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders in youth revealed that by week 12, 80.7% of youth in combined pharmacological and psychiatric treatment exhibited notable improvement, compared to 59.7% in CBT alone and 54.9% in Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) alone.
  • According to America’s Health Rankings, Texas records 3 suicides per 100,000 adolescents aged 15 to 19.
  • Research suggests that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is beneficial for young individuals experiencing subclinical depression.
  • Research demonstrates that for some teens, adding CBT works better than medication alone for ADHD.
  • In a 2010 study, it was discovered that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with active parental participation (i.e., family therapy) demonstrated potential as an effective treatment for anxiety in children aged 3 to 7. Although the study involved a small sample size of 37 children, they exhibited significant improvement after an average of 8.3 treatment sessions.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands as the primary treatment choice for PTSD in children and adolescents, offering both short-term and long-term advantages. A review from 2011 revealed notable enhancements during an 18-month and a 4-year follow-up period. CBT has proven effective for acute and chronic PTSD stemming from various traumatic events, even among young children.
What Are Some Common CBT Techniques for Teens & Adolescents?

What Are Some Common CBT Techniques for Teens & Adolescents?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) offers a diverse toolkit of therapeutic techniques to help teens and adolescents navigate their mental health challenges. While the following offers examples, CBT encompasses various approaches tailored to individual needs. Exploring these CBT techniques with a qualified therapist can provide valuable tools for teens and adolescents to navigate their mental health journey with resilience and confidence.

Cognitive Restructuring CBT: This technique helps individuals challenge and reframe negative thoughts and beliefs, fostering more positive and adaptive thinking patterns.

Behavioral Activation CBT: Behavioral activation focuses on increasing engagement in positive activities to counteract feelings of depression or low mood.

Exposure Therapy CBT: Exposure therapy gradually exposes individuals to feared situations or stimuli in a controlled environment, helping them overcome anxiety or phobias.

Thought Records CBT: Thought records involve tracking and analyzing thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to identify patterns and develop alternative perspectives.

Problem-Solving Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This approach teaches practical problem-solving skills to effectively address everyday challenges and stressors.

Role Playing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Role-playing allows individuals to practice new behaviors or communication skills in a safe, supportive environment, promoting confidence and skill development.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: TF-CBT is specifically designed to help adolescents process and cope with traumatic experiences, incorporating elements of exposure therapy and cognitive restructuring.

Effectively Treat Teen Mental Health Using CBT With BasePoint Academy

We can help your teen and your family address and overcome mental health concerns with expert care and a safe environment. Call today to discover the treatment for long-term healing.