What Depression In Teen Girls Looks Like

depression in teen girls

Depression in teen girls can sometimes present itself differently than in teen boys. This can result from upbringing or the pressures of society and gender identity. Even now, as our society is changing its views on gender roles, it can create depressive disorders as teens figure out their place in the world. We previously explored […]

Teens And Interrupted Sleeping Patterns: How Social Media Affects Their Brain

teens and interrupted sleeping patterns

Spending too much time on social media has many negative effects on teens. One of the most significant ways screen time affects teens’ sleep hygiene is by using phones or computers before bed. The blue light from screens disrupts the body’s natural circadian rhythm, making it harder to fall asleep, and can cause sleep disorders […]

What Depression In Teen Boys Looks Like

depression in teen boys

Depression is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and backgrounds, including teenage boys. In recent years, speaking about this important topic has become more common, but it’s important to realize that depression in teen boys is different than for teenage girls and vice versa. Recognizing the warning signs of depression in […]